Thursday 2 May 2013

evaluation 3- what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


  • Front line  have worked for  Bauer since 2005, by distributing the magazines to the wholesalers.
  • it was formed in 1986.
  • it sells and distributes over 160 of its partners magazine titles, including 54 of the top 200 best selling titles in the UK.
  • sell nearly 8 million copies every week through over 55,000 shops.
  • frontline does market research.  
  • if Bauer media were to be "volumes" publisher, frontline would be its distributor, therefore I would have the biggest one on the market.


  • I think there is a good space for "volume" in the music industry at the moment, and I think that Bauer would be the perfect institution to publish my magazine as it only has "MOJO" ," KERRANG" and "Q" for main music magazines, and they are mainly mixed genres, apart from "KERRANG" which is of a rock genre, and I think Bauer would benefit from another specific genre music magazine on the market.
  • Bauer are the largest publishing company in europe, an average turnover of 1.79 billion euros, and distributing over 282 magazines. 
  • Bauer own the UK's best selling music magazine Q, showing its success.

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