Thursday 2 May 2013

evaluation 2- how does your media product represent different social groups?

I tried a variety of different ways to represent my target social group within my magazine. One of which was my models choice of clothes. This is the unedited version of my front cover image, and I think the fact that ive contrasted her glittery top which represents fun and being young with her heavy leather jacket with fur representing her mysterious side is a great idea because my magazine is mainly aimed at 16-24 year olds.  I think that my target audience could easily relate to her clothes wise, and as a young indie artist i think she represents the generation well, reflecting the style of my target audience. In all of my images of alys, her facial expression is serious, but this is a common convention I found in my research. I think her story of  being found on YouTube and making it big is realistic and could inspire many of my target audience as she of a similar age to them. I feel my target audience could relate to the Mis en scene of the images, pushing them more towards Alys, as in my double page spread image I studied earlier, the graffiti featured in the background is stereo typically associated with some of my target audience's age, which may make them feel more relaxed when reading the magazine.
I think the variety of different images that I used on my contents page represents my target social group well. the long shot of the band jumping in the air shows they are fun and full of energy. The close up of Harri and the bright colours surrounding him suggests hes lively, and is fun, and his imitation "rock star" pose also shows this. 
I created a slideshare (below) to compare my images with different magazines.

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