I feel I have learnt a great deal since my preliminary task to my final product. After doing the first task I undertook alot of research into the common conventions of a music magazine, analyzing many pages, and realising where I have gone wrong in my first task. I took this on board when making my actual product, and I think I have improved alot because of this. I have learnt alot about the colour schemes that reflect an indie magazine, and I found that these colours were red,black and white and i Incorporated them into my final product. In my first task, I missed out alot of simple, conventional things, such as web address, price, date and issue number. I also lacked coverlines, and my page was very bland. My image on the front page was stretched and doesnt look as professional as my final front cover.
My contents pages are very different, and I have learnt a very simple and conventional layout from doing my research on contents pages. on my preliminary task, I did include things such as "features" and "regulars" bit did so at a very poor level. I included only three things under each one, and my pages only went up to 17. However, I learnt from this and discovered that a magazine should have a minimum of 50 pages, and so I went up to about 90 pages, with 8-9 things underneath each of my features and regulars. My images again on my first contents page were stretched and i didnt take into account the mis-en-scene of the main image. The mis-en-scene of the images were very important to me when making my final product, and so I made sure that each of my photos had a suitable background before taking them.
Overall, I think I have definately improved in my magazine from my preliminary task to my final product in all aspects. I think I have achieved this from my research, learning about new technologies, and practice.