Sunday 30 September 2012

Q magazine analysis.

Masthead. - the mast head of this magazine cover is the letter "Q"  and is situated in the top left hand corner, and clearly identifies the magazine. I think that it is located here because people tend to read from left to right naturally, so you tend to read it first. Also, the Font size of the letter "Q" is larger than to rest, to indicate to the reader that it is an important aspect of the front cover, and obviously then the masthead. Under the masthead, the logo reads "a different take on music" i think this has been chosen as the logo in order to try and persuade the reader that this magazine is different from any other. The background of the letter is red, contrasting with the white Q, making it stand out even further, despite the size of the font already.
Main cover-line  - The main cover line reads "Sexy beast, lily allen, & her wicked, wicked ways..."  this suggests that there is a seductive story in this magazine, and may aim at a specific audience. The word "wicked" is in red and repeated twice, possibly to enphysise the importance of this word. The fact its in red (as is the background of the masthead) may suggest that its important or significant. 
main image. - This image fits perfectly with the main cover line. It backs up the evidence to suggest a seductive possibly romantic story line due to the main image being of lily allen facing with her back to the camera looking over her shoulder, and she is topless. Surrounding her are two black tigers, again projecting the seductiveness presented. This may make the reader intrigued as to what is written about her inside.
Coverlines. - There are various other coverlines on the top right hand corner of the magazine. They all show what type of music magazine this is, with bands like U2, Oasis etc discussed, it shows the magazine does in fact have a specific target audience.  The fact that the word "exclusive"  is in red tells us that its important, as all other important aspects of the magazine have been highlighted in the colour red. Other coverlines are situated at the bottom of the page running along the bottom offering advice on how to purchase things, and other small interviews with people of a simular genre.
Flashes. -  there is one flash on this magazine on the right handside, reading " the 25 greatest rock movies" this finalises what type of music genre this magazine specialises in, and is offering a list of rock movies that might interest the audience.
i like the layout of this magazine because it is specific as to what is inside, and does not appear to be misleading. I like that its spaced out, so everything is clear and easy to read. I like that that chose an intriguing storyline for this paticular issue, to make the reader want to buy it.

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