Monday 25 February 2013

I have changed the colour of the word "alys" to a brighter red, and made the outline of the black on my coverlines more thick.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

fourth draft of cover.

I have changed my banner writing to layer 3 on my magazine so it would fit nicely over the black background.

third draft of my cover.

since my last draft, i have added an additional bannerline to my magazine along the bottom, and  I have extended my main cover story. I have featured more coverlines also.

Friday 8 February 2013

Second draft of my cover.

I have added a barcode, and a price and date. I have also added my main coverline, 
along with a flash which was a common convention i noticed in my research.

Monday 4 February 2013

fIrst draft on my front cover.

I have added my heading, and edited alys over the orginal photo. I have also added my web address and my 
first banner along the top.