Monday 21 January 2013

subsidary image/front cover possible images.

Double page spread image.

possible images for contents page.

audience research- questionnaire.

Q1. what name to do you find most suitable for a rock/indie magazine?

Q2. what would you like to see appear in the magazine?
a)gossip. 0
b)tours and gigs. 2.
c)interviews with artists. 8.

Q3. how much would you be willing to pay for a music magazine?
a) £1-£2. 4
b)£3-£4. 6
c)other. 0

Q4. how many images should be on the cover?
a)1. 1
b)2. 1
c)3. 9
d)other. 0

Q5. who do you think the magazine should be aimed at?
a) 12-15year olds. 0
b) 16-19year olds. 5
c) 20-24year olds.5
d) other. 0

Q6. what would you prefer to read about in the magazine?
a) artists lives. 6
b) music culture. 0
c) latest releases. 4

Q7) are you male or female?
a) male. 5
b) female. 5

Q8) what age group do you fit into?
a) 15-17. 6
b) 18-20. 2
c) 21-23.
d) other.2