Monday 17 December 2012

Reader profile

The reader for my magazine will be within the ages of 16-24, interested in indie/rock bands who are current.

80% will listen to a wide range of music within the chosen genre, whilst 20% will both listen to music and be interested in being involved in the music industry, and the background of their favourite bands.70% will be full time students at either secondary or higher education, 30% will have finished or left education. 60% will be male, 40% will be female.

Mission statement

My music magazine will be based on the rock/indie genre. It will be designed in a way that is attractive and will stand out. it will have a specific colour scheme of red, black and white, and, it will be  informal in terms of the layout but everything will be clear and have relevance. My target audience will be teens( around 15/16) to young adults( up to 24/25) as that is usually the age for new bands, but that will not exclude anyone over the age group i have set if they are interested in the topics i have included. It will contain information on current popular bands, however will include information on smaller, not as popular bands aswell, to help promote. it will play a main role in the readers lives, as a source of entertainment, and to be informative of their favourite band.